SARC at the State Park!

July 14, 2024
By Kirk K9MSG Our little Parks-on-the-Air event today (Friday) was great fun (photos attached). Howard (KD9WSV), Kirk (K9MSG), and Paul (KD9FMN), AKA the “Three Wise Men,” made ~70 shared (pass-the-mic) contacts at William G. Stratton State Park in Morris where we all spoke to each contact. That resulted in over 200 combined QSOs over 3 … Continue reading "SARC at the State Park!"

Field Day 2024 Wrap Up

July 7, 2024
SARC once again put on a successful field day. We welcomed a total of 77 members and guests to our site on Plum Grove road. The club operated in class 2A with 2 transmitters and all emergency power. The club tallied a total of 4,916 points made up of various bonus points for specific tasks … Continue reading "Field Day 2024 Wrap Up"

Local Radio Tower History

March 6, 2024
Our club has an active email reflector (SARC-All) which discusses all things related to radio as well as club business. From time to time we post excerpts from some of the general radio discussions. Kirk K9MSG started the discussion Recently I’ve been near the southeast corner of Bloomingdale [Illinois – Ed.]. I’ve often looked up … Continue reading "Local Radio Tower History"

Construction Project February 10, 2023

February 12, 2024
By Joe KB9RCR We generally find equipment randomly coming through the door for repair and/or calibration. SARC is blessed to have rather extensive test equipment/parts and more importantly are blessed with several members with really good technical skills to find and solve circuit challenges. Over the years there have been many pre-organized construction projects that … Continue reading "Construction Project February 10, 2023"