Weekly Thursday Night Net
The club holds several on-air meetings called “nets.” These give us an opportunity to check that our equipment is in working order while also handling club business or other discussions. Operators interested in public service are encouraged to join in these nets because the “directed” format (who talks and when) with a net control operator is very similar to what you will encounter when working public service events.
Thursdays at 8pm on the K9IIK repeaters
145.230 MHz, -600 kHz input, PL 107.2 Hz
Join us for information about the club, upcoming events and a question and answer session. Topics also frequently include discussion of items for sale, recommended books, movies, magazines, as well as non-ham events happening in the area. The net concludes with Amateur Radio Newsline. This net is open to all amateur radio operators.
Club members who check in to this net will receive a raffle ticket for each check in. Tickets will be drawn at the Christmas Party and Field Day for great Amateur radio related prizes.
Note: This net does not meet on the third Thursday of the month due to our regularly scheduled club meeting.
The script for this net can be found here: Thursday Net Script
Thursday Net Operators
Week | Net Control |
1st Thursday | Steve AC9EM |
2nd Thursday | Leo N9NBH |
3rd Thursday | No Net (club meeting) |
4th Thursday | Don KD9NJR |
5th Thursday (when necessary) | Rob N9MVO |
Wednesday New Ham Net 7:00pm
145.230 MHz, -600 kHz input, PL 107.2 Hz
This net is for new hams to participate in a net setting while working on confidence and getting over mic fright. The net control operator will be glad to assist you in learning typical net protocols such as check-in and traffic (conversation) flow.
We ask experienced hams to leave plenty of space for new hams by monitoring the net and not checking in during roll call. If there is a natural break in the conversation and you can, as an experienced ham, add information or answer a question you are welcome to check in at that time to provide input.
If this interests you but you are unable to check in due to problems with your radio, contact Don KD9NJR. We hope to hear from you soon.
The script for this net can be found here: New Ham Net Script
Tuesday Night Tech Net, 7:30pm
145.230 MHz, -600 kHz input, PL 107.2 Hz
Have a technical question? Think you can help someone out? Want to learn about antenna modeling? This net discusses all technical topics related to amateur radio. It’s an informal net and open to all amateur radio operators.
Since this is an informal net it does not have a set net control schedule. One of our “regulars” typically starts the net at 7:30 by asking for check ins.
Every Monday at 7pm
145.230 MHz, -600 kHz input, PL 107.2 Hz
This net is operated by local Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) members.
Other Area Nets
KC9UNS Maintains this Google Spreadsheet detailing many of the nets in the Chicagoland Area http://tinyurl.com/chicago-ham-nets