By: Mike Griffiths, KD9KMV

SARC club members turned up for an impromptu outdoor radio session at Busse Woods Forest Preserve on the morning of Saturday July 27th.
Under the shade of a tall tree, we were able to find a nearby picnic table, which allowed us to get our antennas in the air and setup our radio equipment:
- Robert W9RKK – Elecraft K3 radio and end-fed 40/20m wire antenna.
- Kevin K9MKD – Yaesu ATAS 120 antenna.
- Mike KD9KMV – FT-891 radio and 20m dipole/telescopic mast
There was an IOTA HF contest taking place that weekend, which made for a lot of activity and several contacts around North America, and even the Dominican Republic.
While we were there, Kevin K9MKD worked on adding new ground radials to his antenna.
Here are a few other photos taken while we played radio.
If you are interested in operating outdoors, please also check out details of the club’s SARC in the Park program.