Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting March 2nd, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting March 2, 2022


Ed Lishka AC9SD Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.




Ed Lishka  AC9SD Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK John Douglas  KD9KSH
John Zietlow K9WIC Charlene Treve K9CMZ Barry Friedman K9FMB
Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD Kent Ochs W9KAO


Secretary’s Report


Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Kent W9KAO moved to approve the February BOD Minutes as published in the RHG.  John Douglas KD9KSH seconded. So Moved.


Treasurer’s Report:

  Barry Friedman K9FMB provides the following report:


Month: March 2022

Bank Balance 31-Jan                       $6,804.69

INCOME MEMO                                $       0.00

DISBURSEMENTS MEMO               $     72.82

ACH 6-Feb AT&T                               $     62.82

Check #1263 IL Sec of State          $     10.00

Checks Outstanding                        $       0.00

Deposit not included                      $       0.00

Account Balance                               $6,731.87

28-Feb Bank Statement                 $6,741.87

Checks Outstanding                        $       0.00

Adjusted balance                             $6,741.87

Checkbook balance                         $6,731.87

Petty Cash                                           $   131.00

Pay Pal                                                  $     94.56


Plus petty cash Funds Available $6,957.43


117 members on roster


Public Service 


Rob Glowacki N9MVO not present.  John K9WIC informed there is a March of Dimes event planned for Boomer Stadium on May 1st.  We are not aware of any radio support requests for support at the moment.





John Zietlow K9WIC reported he attended an organizational meeting for the ChicagoLand Marathon scheduled for May 15th.  SARC plans to support the Schaumburg Fire/Police Emergency Radio Team again this year.



 Kent W9KAO rescued our 2M machine from continuous transmit lock-up.  It appears the heartbeat system suffered myocarditis.  Board of Directors requests the Repeater Committee prepare a report ready for the March 17th Business Meeting outlining needed resources/budget to help us improve remote reset functionality for such events.


Construction Project (CP)


Budget Request for consumables and potential projects as communicated in previous Minutes is needed for FY 2023 planning.  It’s possible we can ask for a show-of-hands during the March Business Meeting to ascertain interest levels before committing to any particular project investment.

VE Testing


Ed Lishka AC9SD reports a candidate is scheduled for Saturday’s session.  Reminder from last report that Legacy walk-ins were allowed to present themselves for testing in the past but the new FCC VE Testing requirements of FRN-Number registration make things a bit more cumbersome.  Candidates will be given instructions ahead of time to help them prepare for VE session admission.




Barry Friedman K9FMB reports Nets continue to be well attended.  We are in need of a host for the second Tuesday of the month TechNet.


Radio Hill Gazette RHG 


Mike K9KMV No Report.


Our current WordPress software doesn’t play well with MS Word.  Minutes are recorded and uploaded in Word.  Difficulty occurs when members wish to create a printed copy because the two software programs don’t handle hidden commands the same way.  Goal is to provide a link to a PDF file for those who wish to print.




We’re in need of a Membership Chair.




Dennis C. Calvey KD9HIK Publicity Chairman moved forward with participation in Social Media platforms.     It was decided to publish an inquiry via SARC-ALL to determine what resources we have within the membership to help us define a possible re- entry and craft procedures for managing a club presence.  Some members have stepped forward to help begin the process with both Facebook and Linked-in.  While account establishment is accomplished with both entities, there is no content posted at the moment.  Once authorization procedures are defined content population into the sites will begin.  Dennis now has the SARC logo graphics crafted by John N9IJS.




John Douglas KD9KSH said we will plan for a summer picnic.  Site reservation for July 10th or possibly July Business Meeting’s date (replace the normal meeting schedule with a picnic) will be investigated.




Leo N9NBH not present.




John Zietlow K9WIC is working on a possible presentation for the March Business Meeting and may host a Roundtable Venue during the April/May meetings to discuss typical Ham Shack layout.  The June presentation is planned to focus on Field Day Operations.


Old Business


John K9WIC proposed a framework for Special Events Committee and enlisted several club members to staff the various roles.  Danny KD9HIL will chair the committee with Rob N9MVO hosting the SARC-In-The-Park events, Dirk W0RI leading the Bike Rally, Rob N9MVO managing the Winter Field Day.  Dennis KD9HIK will manage Outreach; additional sub-committees of Finance, Operations, Planning, Logistics, and STEM Activities are to be defined.  For the Education Committee, Leo N9NBH will chair with VE Testing lead by John Shofield AC9JS, Construction Project handled by Don N9NJR, and Rob N9MVO Technical Committee.  Organization Charts outlining the proposal will be presented at future Business Meetings.


New Business


Danny Kafka KD9HIL is requesting budget ideas for this year’s Field Day expenditure.


John K9WIC proposed we publish a Survey on SARC-ALL to the membership later this week to help build a profile of the club’s interests, skills, preferred operating bands, and even to learn of publication subscriptions.  Ed AC9SD moved, Kent W9KAO seconded.  So moved.


Adjourn 8:44PM.


Submitted March 3, 2022  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary