Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting December 19th, 2019

Schaumburg Business Meeting       December 19th, 2019

Rebecca Hopkins KA9EFE brought chocolate chip cookies tonight.  All gone in minutes.

Danny Kafka KD9HIL Vice President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM



Danny Kafka  KD9HIL Cliff Sowka  K9QD Chris Brewer AC9GN
Mel Luxenberg  W9FRT Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW Bill McGovern  W9WEM
Ed Liska  AC9SD Bill Whelan  KD9JYS Robert Kocourek  W9RKK
John Zietlow  K9WIC Terry Jarnholm  AE9TJ Daryl Jenks  KB9RHR
Scott Esser  N9ASI Doug May  W9YFC Rob Glowacki  N9MVO
D. J. Traxler  WA9UBR Burt Shultz  AB9CV Lucas Childers  KB9UGJ
Lou Childers  N9LTW Scott DeSantis  KB9VZW Anatoly Andrianov AC9VI
Mike Griffiths  K9KMV John Douglas  KD9KSH Jack McClurkin  W9YY
Bob McIntyre  W9DXR Russ Schmidt  KC9NUV Don Smith  K9UD
Leo Ribordy  N9NBH Jim Campbell  KB9RGU Don Dewar  KD9NJR
Sid Puri  KD9OLJ Raj Chacko  KD9OLK Timothy Smith  KC9NMW
Bill Crockett  KD9AUP Chuck Billstrand  KB9RGI Jim Hull  W9JGH
Ron Delpiere-Smith KD9IPO Bob Benwitz  N9JAX Dane Duval KD9MBR

Secretary’s Report:

Cliff Sowka K9QD requested a motion to accept the minutes of the November 19 meeting.  Burt Shultz AB9CV moved and seconded by Daryl Jenks KB9RHR.    So moved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Chris Brewer AC9GN reported


Beginning Balance           $5,261.35

Income                 $   258.82

Expense               $   127.81  (Final Invoice Water Tank Temporary Storage Fee, $62.82 Data line)

Ending Balance                  $5,392.36

Public Service:

Rob Glowacki N9MVO reported our first two events for 2020 will be the MS Walk and the 4th of July parade for Hoffman Estates.


John Zietlow K9WIC informed he expects to provide an ARRL update during the February meeting.


Terry Jarnholm AE9TJ reported our recent 2M repeater outage was caused by some of the controller’s data going into the tulips; the USB port required reboot and machine working fine now.

Construction Project:

Bill McGovern W9WEM reported the SK sale went well with most equipment paid for and delivered during last week’s Construction Project meeting.  Chris AC9GN will see to it that sales receipts of the  estate will be sent to Fran shortly.

A dummy load for a Construction Project has been suggested as an activity.  A SARC-ALL broadcast will be published to determine if the dummy load project has enough interest to begin the organizational efforts.  In addition, costs will need to be determined relative to resisters, other materials, etc.

VE Testing:

John Schofield AC9JS reports Volunteer Testing Results:

VE Tests Results for December 7, 2019


Name Call Class
Howard KD9OLI Technician
Surrender KD9OLJ Technician
Rajesh KD9OLK General
Robert KD9NDS Extra


Technician 2
General 1
Extra 1
Total 4

Participating Volunteer Examiners (VEs):


Bill Davies K9WKD
Ed Lishka AC9SD
William Riess KW9WR
John Schofield AC9JS


Next examination date:  January 4, 2020

Radio Hill Gazette  RHG

Mike Griffiths K9KMV requests articles for publication.


Bob N9JAX submitted a report, read by the Secretary. There were 5 contacts made.

14 November: Pat Keane (no call) needed contact info for Dennis KD9HIK.


John KD9KSH has lined up Garibaldi’s Restaurant for the SARC Christmas/Holiday Party and reported that we look forward to a New Year with the promise of new projects, new adventures, and new friendships.  SARC is a great organization providing help and insight to both new and experienced ham radio operators.   SARC wants everyone to enjoy the benefits of the club and to celebrate its accomplishments.

On Thursday, January 16th, we will meet at 7:00 PM for a Holiday Party at Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery in Hoffman Estates which is located in a shopping center to the East of Route 59 on Higgins Road behind our normal meeting place of Buona Beef.    We will all order our own food/drink and be responsible for the cost.

Every member is invited to attend the Holiday Party and we ask that you bring a grab bag gift of $10:00 in value.  The grab bag gift should be something that might be useful in the operation or building of a ham station.  If everyone participates it will result in a fun surprise for all.

In addition, the honorary Bill Smead K9IIM Construction Project Award will be given to a deserving member of SARC’s successful Construction Project activities.

The SARC Member of the Year will also be named.  Both of these awards are an honor for the recipient.

We look forward to seeing all members.

Date and Time:    Thursday, Jan 16th, at 7:00 PM  (Replaces our normal January meeting)

Place:    Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery

2346 West Higgins Road

Hoffman Estates, IL


Leo N9NBH reports schedule for next Ham Radio License class to start Sep 5th


No report.


Bill KD9AUP invited Jim Hull W9JGH and Ron Delpiere-Smith  KDIPO tonight for a Distracted Driving presentation which has to do with equipment use as it applies to Ham Radio operators.  Bill may also prepare a Fox Hunt for some time in February.

Old Business:

Leo reminded we are in need of a Membership Chair.  Effort of ~1 hour per week is required.  Contact Leo via to access his email address.

New Business:

 Mike Meder donated several ham radios tonight: Hallicrafters S58, S55, S40.

Danny KD9HIL reminded our January 8th BOD meeting will be held at the CRC instead of the normal meeting room in the basement of the Schaumburg Airport.  The first Wednesday of January will be supplanted with the new date of January 8th due to room reservations conflict at the airport.

John K9WIC announced the Wheaton Club is offering a free table for club promotion only.  The club will need to inform John of any plans to utilize this offer so that he can make a commitment to the Wheaton Club.  Rob N9MVO has the club’s banner.

Mike K9KMV reports planning for Winter Field Day Jan 25th at the CRC.  More details to follow.

Action Required:  Cliff K9QD to author a broadcast to SARC-ALL to ascertain headcount for 250W dummy load.  Club decided a flat $10 cost to cover Bill’s KD9AUP component expense and allow any funding residuals to be a fund-raiser for the treasury.

Motion to Adjourn:

At 8:36PM Burt Shultz AB9CV motioned to Adjourn, Bill McGovern W9WEM seconded.  So Moved.


Cliff Sowka K9QD Interim Secretary during Ken Krzywicki’s KD9HIJ Scheduled Absence