New Ham Gets On The Air

Don KD9KSJ took his technician exam with our VE testing team in April. About a week later he received his license and purchased a Yaesu FT-65R. The radio arrived in about a week and he was excited to get on the air. Using a scanner he already had he was able to test the radio an make some transmissions. But his goal was to get on some repeaters and talk with other hams nearby. This required programming some frequencies into the radio.

Don KD9KSJ shows off his new Yaesu radio.

Don had used the manual and checked YouTube for programming instructions. He tried both a programming cable and keying the repeater frequencies directly into the radio’s memory with no luck. Unfortunately we’ve all experienced the unusually complicated task of programming a radio, just like Don was going through. It’s too bad that this typically poorly documented step comes right after you receive your license and get on want to get on the air.

Being a resourceful ham, like all of us are, Don continued to look for a solution and reached out to our web site for some help. Matt AC9IG received this email and after a short discussion used our mailing list Sarc-All to find a club member with a similar radio. Ray K9EYT responded with an offer to help.

Ray reported similar frustration when programming his own radio. But ultimately he worked with Don and got him set up with four repeaters and two simplex frequencies. Don says that he’s now comfortable with the programming process and should be able to add more frequencies in the future.

If you’re on one of our repeaters and hear KD9KSJ be sure to say hi and welcome him to the ham radio community.

SARC Picnic – Lou Malnatis

The club invites all members, their families and friends to join us four our Summer Picnic. This year we will be at Lou Malnati’s in Schaumburg. Please join us from 5pm to 7pm on Saturday, September 8, 2018. We request that you contact our Social Activities Chair to reserve your spot.

A limited menu will be available for purchase.


Novice Exam from 1983

Ken KD9HIJ recently came across a novice level exam from 1983.

Novice exam, 1983

The full exam can be seen here. See how you do!

On our discussion board Bruce N9EHA had a few memories about the exam.

That’s awesome. [It] could be an exam you could have given to someone for a Novice test I suppose. Remember that back then, a Novice exam could be administered by just a single ham with a General class license or higher. No trip down to the FCC field office until you wanted to take the Technician exam. You also had to give them their 5 WPM code test, and they could either answer 7 out of 10 questions (IIRC) about the text sent, usually a mock QSO, or they could just show one minute of solid copy, which was 25 characters in a row with no mistakes.

Good blast from the past to see some old Novice exams again. Especially from Ameco, who wrote a lot of the radio license license books that people recommended to me. Back then, people recommended I pick up either the Heath Kit ham radio training course, or the Ameco book, along with what elmers would teach me for everything else. After that, everyone used to recommend the “Bash Books” by Dick Bash, to pass the Technician test. I can’t remember if the entire question pool was published back then when the FCC was still administering the ham radio exams.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Business Meeting August 16, 2018

Matt Walsh President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Rebecca KA9EFE brought Cherry Blueberry.


Leo Ribordy N9NBH Danny Kafka KD9HIL Cliff Sowka K9QD
Matt Walsh AC9IG Bob Zuttermeister W9GEW Frank Giampa N9QPD
D J Traxler WA9UBR Chris Brewer AC9GN Robert Kocourek W9RKK
Larry Burke K9FLT Peter Maziuk N9POL Terry Jarholm KD9LEU
Mike Sorensen K9KQX Dick Mitchell   Orson Baker AB9WQ
Tim Manwell KD9LAI Beck Hopkins KA9EFE Wake Wacaser AF9I
John Douglas KD9KSH Edward Lishka AC9SD Doug May KD9CER
David Romz KD9LEV John Shofield AC9JS Jim Campbell KB9RGU
Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Steve Karson AC9EM Ray Baker K9EYT
Kevin Willard KB9QVX Dennis Calvey KD9HIK    

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $4,976.66.  Income was $380.15.  Expense was $223.87.  Ending balance $5,132.94.  Paid membership is currently 54.

President’s Report

Matt AC9IG discussed the following:


Scholarship winners:

AC9EM Steve

W9RKK Robert

All applicants were all very well qualified.

Matt also surveyed membership tonight to ascertain what topics the club would like to have included in future presentations:

Obsolete radio technology
$20 radio interface
How to put together a field kit for SARC in the park
VE testing, how it works.
Overview of VHF/UHF technologies, WiresX, Echolink, etc.
Digital modes, VHF or UHFs
2M home antenna, all bands
Science-related classes, 30 minutes
Explaining buttons on your radio
Antenna analyzers, antenna design

Publicity  Dennis Calvey KD9HIK reminded the membership to bring items of interest for public announcement.


Don’t forget, we are logging all transmissions through the repeater. If you hear interference please use the link at the bottom of the web site to note the date and time it occurred.

SARC Repeaters  We’re looking for MI reports to begin the FCC process.  If you notice interference please note time/day on the website to help us with supporting the ARRL/FCC process.


Bob Benwitz N9JAX no report.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Approval of Meeting Minutes as published in the RHG.


Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC not present.  EMCOMM meeting this coming Saturday to be held at the Hoffman Estates Police Station 9AM.

Construction Project (CP)

There are currently five members [Rob N9MVO, Russ KC9NUV, Leo N9NBH, Bill KD9JQM, Dave KD9JKG] already on the short list of potential supporters.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK organized this year’s ‘Pilot Pete’s’ institutionalized club social event at Lou Malnati’s for September 8th 6PM and we shouldn’t linger past 8PM.  Robert communicated specific advance-order details and how to access the Malnatai’s menu with the provided link on our website.


Leo N9NBH reported plans for a winter General Class with the Library District are in place.  September 8th through the end of October at the Hoffman Estates Hassle Road facility, same as last fall’s Technician class.   SARC’s Class appeared in village schedule by July.   Leo has published a presenter’s guide and needs instructors to log into the worksheet so that he has the schedule.

VE Testing  John AC9JS reports Results for July, 2018

Name Call Class
Jenkins, Daniel KB9QOL General
Martin, John K9JDM General
Dahlin, Dennis KD9LKV Technician
Stevenson, Adam KD9LKW General
Jarnholm, Terry K4ULEU Extra
Boughton, Willis WA0JII Extra
Hall, Brandon KD9LKX Technician
Preble, Kevin KD9LKY Technician



Technician 3
General 3
Extra 2
Total 8


Matt AC9IG added a feature-set to our new website that allows extemporaneous article submissions with reasonable editing capability.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO not present and Matt AC9IG reported:

Saturday, August 18th (in 4 days!!):

Bob Yurs, W9ICU, is still in need of 8-10 Hams for the Ride Like an Egyptian bicycle ride for this coming Saturday.  Our Ham team supports riders on 25, 50, 75, and 100 mile courses through western Kane and eastern DeKalb Counties as a fundraiser for the historic Egyptian Theatre in downtown DeKalb.  If you can help with this event; please reach out to Bob at

Sunday October 7th:

Rob Orr, K9RST, is still in need of 20-30 Hams for the Chicago Marathon.  For the Marathon, our team of Hams supports the Medical Team at various Aid Stations along the course as their radio link with Grant Park for this 26.2 mile race.  If you can help with this World Class event; please register here:


Cliff Sowka K9QD:   Our August presentation was a short video on Voice of America antenna farm destruction and a recent Solar Minimum report from NASA.  We’ve received several ideas (posted above in President’s Report) from the membership tonight as Matt AC9IG conducted a quick survey of the members attending.


Steve AC9EM is hosting the Thursday Night Nets.

Ebay Sales

No Sales to report.  Discussed the club’s need for new chairperson and need to plan for the task of culling our inventory once Construction Project reconvenes in September.

Old Business


New Business

New Code of Conduct proposal for By-Laws in November. Board has assigned a committee to update the code of conduct. The Committee’s result will be published in the October RHG and then voted on during the November election cycle.

Chris AC9GN has put together a new online roster management system. He demonstrated the new tools tonight. It can be found at

Adjourn  7:55 PM

Submitted: August 17, 2018  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary.

Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Meeting August 1, 2018

Frank Giampa N9QPD Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.



Leo Ribordy N9NBH Ken Krzywicki KD9HIJ Cliff Sowka K9QD
Matt Walsh AC9IG Chris Brewer AC9GN Frank Giampa N9QPD
Russ Schmidt KC9NUV Peter Maziuk N9POL Dirk Smith W0RI

Treasurer’s Report

Chris Brewer AC9GN reports: beginning balance $4, 976.66.  Income was $380.15.  Expense was $223.87 for data line, ARRL Gift Certificate, Field Day reimbursement.  Ending balance $5,132.94.  Paid membership is currently 54.

President’s Report

Matt AC9IG discussed software details being determined to enable moving the club’s Roster to the website.  Matt receives various emails that sometimes request help from members and non-members so publication of our current Roster will be a benefit for everyone in contacting others in the club.


Matt may not be able to attend the August Business Meeting so Frank N9QPD will handle the duties.



Dennis KD9HIK not present but reports: [his previously requested] Desire to receive membership’s input before reprinting the tri-fold brochure handed out at VE Testing.  A casual survey did not bring up any corrections or suggestions for changing the documents already in use.



We continue to log transmissions through the repeater. If you note interference use the link at the bottom of the web site to note the date and time it occurred.  This will help us complete the detailed documentation needed in our current ARRL/FCC QRM investigation.




No Report



Bob Benwitz N9JAX not present but provided the following report:

The following hams were contacted via phone and/or email during the month of July 2018

7/12  Don Lutz   KD9KSJ

7/20  Terry Jarnholm   KD9LEU

7/26  “Joe”  KD9EVM  (found him by accident on our repeater, a college student home QTH is Schaumburg but attends school downstate, encouraged him to connect with us as his semester breaks and summer schedule permits)

SARC Repeaters

We’re looking for MI reports to support the FCC process.  If you notice interference please note time/day.

Secretary’s Report

Cliff Sowka K9QD:  Approval of Meeting Minutes as published on our website.


Bob Langsfeld WB9TZC not present but provided the following:


AUXCOMM and its ties to local government agencies is becoming real.  Attached is a letter from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency with some new info.


As I have been saying AUXCOMM and its ties to local government agencies is becoming real.

Hoffman will be moving toward its own AUXCOMM team. I have seven vetted members and am looking for more.


If any Ham is interested in becoming an AUXCOMM Radio operator with either Hoffman or Schaumburg have them contact me for the details.


Robert Langsfeld

Emergency Coordinator

Hoffman Estates Police Department

411 Higgins Road

Hoffman Estates, Il. 60169





Bruce Rauner Governor                                                                            William P. Robertson Acting Director


July 26, 2018


During the “Communications” breakout session at the 2017 IEMA Training Summit, an old topic but new concept was discussed: amateur radio and how it will fit in to emergency response. There is no question that communications are one of the top priorities to re-establish after an incident. Most communications issues are remedied in a timely fashion through traditional recovery services; however, during a catastrophic disaster, it may all fail. That’s when volunteer amateur radio operators will earn their stripes. Communication via amateur radio operators may be the only method to communicate over a wide area in a short amount of time.


The use of volunteer communicators varies greatly throughout the state. Currently, volunteer amateur radio communicators support emergency management, public health, and public safety by operating under one of two models, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) or the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). RACES has changed significantly since its inception. For example, RACES licenses are no longer issued, and all previous licenses have expired. ARES, on the other hand, has a large membership and established leadership structure with efficiently-run emergency and traffic nets. In recent history, ARES has proven its ability to support community events, weather spotting, and emergency management.


Auxiliary Communications and AUXCOMM are relatively new terms under the Incident Command System (ICS) describing the use of volunteer communicators during an incident or pre-planned event. AUXCOMM is the cadre of trained communications volunteers credentialed by a governmental agency, possessing specialized skills that may be called upon to support the Incident Command System during local, regional, state, and national level exercises, events, and incidents. Auxiliary communications is a general term for communications support to emergency management, public safety, public health, NGOs and private entities by volunteers using amateur radio, or other radio resources outside the Public Safety radio services. An AUXCOMM unit has all the characteristics of a RACES and/or ARES unit, but enjoys a much broader scope in terms of missions and capabilities.


Working with Jim Pepper, the current Statewide AUXCOMM Manager, we are encouraging local emergency managers to consider working with their amateur radio volunteers and execute

the following course of action:


Step 1:


  • In those jurisdictions with an existing RACES unit, re-identify the unit as AUXCOMM.
  • In those jurisdictions where ARES has a direct, effective relationship with an emergency

management agency, create an AUXCOMM sub-unit.

  • In those jurisdictions without established auxiliary communications, create and staff a new



Step 2:


  • Create a Unit Charter (or equivalent document) based on the model being developed by the

AUXCOMM Committee. Include language indicating that member stations of the unit are certified to

operate under the RACES rules if the need should ever arise and if they are assigned to do so by the emergency manager.

  • Create a Standard Operating Procedures document using the model being developed by the

AUXCOMM Committee.


Step 3:


  • Encourage AUXCOMM volunteers to be active in ARES.
  • Ensure AUXCOMM units train and exercise regularly with other auxiliary communications units.


I would like to thank Jim Pepper and Fritz Bock, Illinois Section, American Radio Relay League,

ARES Section Emergency Coordinator for moving us in this new direction. Unfortunately, Jim Pepper has decided to retire. We are happy for Jim, but sad to see him depart. However, IEMA is pleased to announce his replacement.


Bill Springer, member of the State of Illinois Strategic Technology Reserve as the Interim statewide AUXCOMM Manager. Bill’s main role will be coordination and planning. He will appoint others to assist him in his current role.


2018 will prove to be a year with change. Please embrace this new concept with an open mind. Change

is the only constant in any program, without change we take a step backwards in momentum.





If you have any questions or would like to discuss AUXCOMM further please reach out to me through my contact information below or to Bill Springer, at [redacted].





Joe Galvin

Illinois, Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)

[contact info redacted]

Construction Project (CP)

There are currently five members [Rob N9MVO, Russ KC9NUV, Leo N9NBH, Bill KD9JQM, Dave KD9JKG] already on the short list of potential supporters.  Matt AC9IG will confirm a staffing plan before September CP resumption.


Robert Kocourek W9RKK not present but previously reported he has organized this year’s ‘Pilot Pete’s’ institutionalized club social event at Lou Malnati’s for September 8th 6PM and we shouldn’t linger past 8PM.  Robert will be communicating specific advance-order details they have requested as we get closer to event.


Leo N9NBH reported plans for a winter General Class with the Library District are in place.  September 8th through the end of October at the Hoffman Estates Hassle Road facility, same as last fall’s Technician class.

VE Testing

John Shoefield AC9JS reports 8 tested all passed.

VE Tests Results for July, 2018


Name Call Class
Jenkins, Daniel KB9QOL General
Martin, John K9JDM General
Dahlin, Dennis KD9LKV Technician
Stevenson, Adam KD9LKW General
Jarnholm, Terry K4ULEU Extra
Boughton, Willis WA0JII Extra
Hall, Brandon KD9LKX Technician
Preble, Kevin KD9LKY Technician



Technician 3
General 3
Extra 2
Total 8


Next examination date: August 4, 2018


Matt AC9IG previously reported that he has added a feature-set to our new website that allows extemporaneous article submissions with reasonable editing capability.

Public Service

Rob N9MVO not present.  Rob organized and performed the duty of Control Operator for The Schaumburg Park District’s annual Triathlon/Duathlon this past Sunday July 29, 2018.

We were able to staff our posts and make a meaningful contribution to this important event.

Thanks to everyone for arriving early and assisting for the duration.


Cliff Sowka K9QD:   Our August presentation needs a host.  Dirk W0RI may be able to prepare a digital mode presentation.

Please let me know if you can craft an interesting subject for our meeting; else I plan to download a YouTube video from Twilight Zone (suggested we view the classic “To Serve Man”) as filler if invitation for August presenter fails.


Steve AC9EM no report.

Ebay Sales

None.  There are two large hamfests in September and it would be good to cull the surplus SK equipment donations received over the past several months, build a list with suggested values, and offer for sale to membership.  Any unclaimed inventory could then be taken to both Belvidere and Peoria for eventual sale.

Old Business

By Law Committee Report:  By Law Committee Report: Dirk W0RI, Leo Ribordy N9NBH and Peter Maziuk N9POL prepared an amended Article IX By Law and Code of Conduct version by incorporating variances of three Board Members suggested Changes. The respective sections were discussed, reviewed and final revision to be available for the September’s Board Meeting and ready for release to General Membership thirty days prior to the November Meeting. (Election night).

The November election night is targeted for any By Law changes to be presented to the membership for ratification.  There is a required 30-Day notification period and therefore initial September RHG publication is the current goal.

Russ KC9NUV restated his objection to this entire By Law change being proposed.  His case is simply these new regulations will not preclude BOD’s convicted offenders (as determined by a proposed change requiring BOD super-majority vote) from attending club functions or using club resources such as our repeaters.  Discharged members would suffer lost voting rights as well as lost access to any current SARC-ALL email distribution list, but not blocked from attending SARC functions.

Cliff K9QD discussed hearing political dialog (proposed to now become offensive behavior) during K9IIK Repeater morning drive-time.  This situation would become grounds for dismissal but curiously some of these transmissions appear to be originating with non-member(s) utilizing our open (to licensed Hams) machine;  any such proposed By Law-mandated punishment for political/religious  conduct by members in good standing would be superfluous because offending non-members would not be affected by definition.

New Business  

Peter Maziuk N9POL informed the newly organized AUXCOMM meetings are in direct conflict with the BOD’s schedule and suggested we reschedule our regular Board meetings to accommodate AUXCOMM’s schedule.  Peter will poll the members to see if moving to the second Wednesday of the month could be accomplished; once agreed Matt will then check with the Park District to access ability to change our meeting venue.

DXCC winners were chosen by random draw and will be announced during our August Business Meeting.

Cliff Sowka K9QD (transition from Paula Uscian K9IR) is now entered within the State of Illinois system as Registered Agent for Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Inc.;  K9QD’s required standing to handle Annual Reporting is now established.

Adjourn  8:58 PM

Submitted: August 2, 2018  Cliff Sowka K9QD Secretary