Schaumburg Public Safety Open House 2021

On October 2nd 2021, the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club participated in the Schaumburg Public Safety Open House.  Many members of SARC and the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team attended to show their support.

Special thanks go to Dennis (KD9IK), Barry (K9FMB), Rob (N9MVO), and Cliff (K9QD) for their efforts to setup and man the booth.
Thanks also to Dirk (W0RI), Jim (KC9UFB) and Charlene (K9CMZ) supporting the effort and helping to share ham radio with the citizens of Schaumburg.

Public Safety Open House

The Village of Schaumburg is  sponsoring a “Public Safety Open House” on Saturday October 2nd at Schaumburg Fire Department Station 51, 950 W. Schaumburg Road.  The event will open to the public from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  Set up will start at about 10:00 AM.

Members of the Schaumburg Emergency Radio Team and SARC will be staffing a table top display to promote our involvement supporting local events such as the Chicagoland Marathon, MS Walk, and Schaumburg Triathlon.  We’ll also be talking about our involvement in Emergency Communications, and what amateur radio is about.  There will be an operating station, and if conditions allow, we may participate in the Simulated Emergency Test.
Hope to see you there!

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Last SITP of 2021 took place

Last Saturday, September 11th 2021, saw the final SARC In The Park for this year.

Rob N9MVO was operating his Elecraft KX3 and making some Parks On The Air contacts.

Also present were:

Robert W9RKK
Barry K9FMB
Kevin K9MKD
Cliff K9QD

Thank you to Robert W9RKK for submitting this article.


Club Dinner: Sunday, September 26 at 6pm

It is again time for us to meet at Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery to enjoy dinner, discussions with other hams, and an evening with friends.   Please reserve the evening of September 26th for our annual time to meet, eat, and talk.
We have reserved space beginning at 6:00 PM on Sunday, Sept. 26th at:
Garibaldi’s Italian Eatery
2346 West Higgins Road
Hoffman Estates, IL
We will each be responsible for ordering and paying for our own dinner as in the past.
Anyone can attend whether a club member or not so feel free to bring the spouse, partner, or friend.  If you know anyone interested in Ham Radio, or SARC, this would be a great time for them to meet with our club members.   This is a very casual event where we get the chance to relax and have some fun for a couple of hours.
I look forward to seeing you on the 26th,